Regular Guy Friday ep: 118: Changing the Responses That Make You Sick

Oh , my God . Back , the brink struck up . How many more episodes do we have ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

It's the only reason I open with it . Um Kind of gets me thinking about the uh the strike that we're in , but that's a , I don't know , maybe we put a pin in that . So we just open our show .

Regular Guy Friday ep 126. Your Destination, Your Salvation

He's like , that's all I wanna do . So for somebody right now , writer strike , let's say he's a writer . It's like , well , that's still writing .

Regular Guy Friday ep 126. Your Destination, Your Salvation

Yeah , write that down and the are coming to celebrate my late great roommate Lauren mcneill is leaving L A and my heart is so sad . Yeah , the writers strike . She got like half her hours cut and she was already kind of like on the outs and wanting to , you know , change it up .

Regular Guy Friday ep 126. Your Destination, Your Salvation

So you can , you know , you can have do things that serve purpose and that will make a difference . Um But you know , whether it's a rice strike or not , I mean , I go back to Picasso . He had , I think it was Picasso .