Regular Guy Friday ep 127. Know Your Why

Hey friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons . Be sure to visit Macy's dot com backslash heal squad and explore my favorite finds .

Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

Hey friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons . Be sure to visit Macy's dot com backslash heal squad and explore my favorite finds .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

Hey friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons . Be sure to visit Macy's dot com backslash heal squad and explore my favorite finds .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 118: Changing the Responses That Make You Sick

Hey , friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons . Be sure to visit Macy's dot com backslash heal squad and explore my favorite finds .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

Hey friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons . Be sure to visit Macy's dot com backslash heal squad and explore my favorite finds .